HALL 11.1   STAND E20

Nitrolaq propone generatori di azoto per il settore della verniciatura artigianale e industriale e attrezzature per le autofficine e autocarrozzerie.

L’obiettivo è di costruire una rete commerciale affidabile capace di far conoscere le tecnologie che propone e di garantire al cliente utilizzatore l’indispensabile formazione e l’assistenza necessaria.

Nitrolaq promotes nitrogen generators for small and industrial painting businesses as well as equipment for both mechanics and bodyshops.

The goal is to build a reliable sales network capable of making known the technologies it proposes and guaranteeing the necessary training and assistance to the end user.

Click on the logo above and go to see the ultimate pulling tower Go!Max

"Paint with Nitrogen

and make your paint

job a sure thing!"

Azoto, Nitrogen, Stickstoff, Nitrógeno...whatever you call it, no matter what you paint, it goes with you hand in hand to make your

paint job a sure thing!

Contact us Now!

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